Shifting the School Safety Conversation

BeWell in School© is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that offers in-person and digital programs to help students leverage breath, movement, and mindfulness. The organization is transforming school climates and creating educational environments where everyone feels supported to learn, grow, and be themselves. Ahead of their digital program launch, BeWell in School© sought a brand partner to help them reimagine their brand messaging and website to help them expand their reach and speak to the issues educators and school administrators face today.

the problem

Expanding Access to Tools for Self-Regulation

BeWell in School’s research shows that when young people begin to self-regulate and attend to their emotional needs, students can navigate challenging feelings before they escalate. That means more time on task, fewer discipline referrals, reduced stress, and enhanced connections. The BeWell in School© team was looking to continue this conversation in a meaningful way with the right people while expanding access to their programs via digital resources. They also needed platform to tell this story which came in the form of a new, user-friendly website.

the solution

Sharing the full story of educational climates today

BeWell in School© launched as an in-person program that offered a more mindful behavior management solution for school communities. Founder Riki Rattner, a former classroom teacher who spent a brief time working within the criminal justice system, began the program to interrupt a broken system that was continuously failing students. As a yoga practitioner and teacher, she saw an opportunity to bring her own self-regulation tools to her students in an accessible and inclusive way.

BeWell in School’s brand refresh began with a brand intensive that brought together key stakeholders within the organization to discuss the challenges educators face today. Through this process, the BeWell in School© was able to candidly discuss the many problems their program solves—from disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline to helping students and teachers navigate the lingering emotional impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. The team also acknowledged the threats their organization faces. With social and emotional learning under constant scrutiny and pandemic-era funding disappearing—the BeWell in School© team knew they needed to tell an impactful story that positioned their in-person and digital programs as an invaluable tool for school communities.

Following the brand intensive process, Strange Salt began researching existing competitors and analyzing their positions within the market. The team created ideal customer personas to identify key decision makers within the educational ecosystem and highlight opportunities to reach these individuals through content marketing and continuing education. Strange Salt created a brand and messaging strategy to help BeWell in School© tell an impactful story—beyond their core offer—to show their audience they see them, they hear them, and they’re here to help.

Strange Salt combined the updated messaging frameworks with BeWell in School’s existing, robust visual brand identity (by Rare Eye) to create a new website that would help the team tell the full story of BeWell in School© and it’s impact. The website uses clear calls-to-action to drive traffic to both BeWell in School’s in-person and digital offerings. The website prioritizes educators as the main audience, but uses strategic language to mobilize community members and donors through donation portals and event opportunities.

the collective
The experience with Strange Salt helped me bring together people and stakeholders I trust to answer and reflect on important questions to move the organization forward and communicate our message in a way that resonates with the audiences we’re trying to reach...[The work] was exciting, inspiring and connecting. We have a brand book and website that we’re proud to share and feel confident in the messaging, which is huge to have reliable resources to send interested schools, donors, and volunteers.
Riki Rattner
BeWell in School

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