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Jamie Cox

3 Reasons to Download Our Ultimate Checklist for Building a Brand

May 19, 2023
Written By:
Jamie Cox
You know there's a lot that goes into developing a brand. So much in fact, that as a small business owner you may feel overwhelmed. But don't worry—we're here to help you build a brand with impact with our FREE brand-building checklist.
Free Guide - Brand-Building Checklist. Your Guide to building a brand from the ground up.

Introducing the Brand-Building Checklist

In the guide, we highlight the importance of:

Not convinced?

Here are three more reasons why you should download the checklist:

1. You'll get expert advice.

We're nothing without our members, and this free brand checklist proves it! In it, you'll find expert advice from our experts! Advice includes tips on telling your stories, the importance of content pillars, and how to bring an illustrative touch to your brand identity

2. You'll learn the secret ingredient to building a brand.

Best of all? The secret ingredient is something we're all capable of.

3. You'll learn our process.

Through this guide, you'll learn more about our process and what makes building a brand with Strange Salt different.

Get Started

To get started building your brand, fill out the form below or click here. You'll get the brand-building checklist delivered straight to your inbox so you can keep it—forever.

Download our FREE
Brand-Building Checklist

Want to build a brand with impact? Start hear with help from our experts!
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Written By

Jamie Cox

Jamie is a brand strategist and designer based in Nashville, TN. She founded Strange Salt in 2021 as a way to bring the creative powerhouses in her life together to create amazing things.

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